Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The search for a school made for an interesting and long day. Primarily we were looking for a school that put an emphasis on Castillian Spanish.

The first two schools we visited were the two that, based on our research, seemed to use the most Castillian textbooks. Unfortunately they weren't what we were looking for. We didn't know this until we arrived, but they were both in an extremely ritzy area of Barcelona. The stately lobby of one school was decorated with ornately carved wooden banisters, beautiful wrought iron, huge crystal chandeliers and a marble front desk. Not quite what we had in mind.

The next school turned out to be for girls! Oops.

After going to a few more schools that didn't have any space left, we found two that had space and seemed OK. Though not private, they aren't exactly public either. They are both Catholic schools near Duane's work. After taking a tour and looking through the materials we were given, the kids are excited about this opportunity. Whoo! That's a relief.

Tomorrow we hope to visit a few more schools, including some public ones.

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