Monday, August 30, 2010

We've been in Spain two weeks tomorrow. While we still feel very unaccustomed to life here, we are getting more settled. Duane has been going to work and is meeting new people. Daily he goes out to lunch with a group. He also frequently skypes in the evening with people from the US with whom he is still working.

Our current concern is school for the boys. The whole idea of getting them enrolled in school is a bit daunting as the system is completely different. We've already registered them at the Dept of Ed (or equivalent) but were told to return to that office two weeks after school starts, presumably to receive the name of the school to which they've been assigned. That didn't sound very good to us, so this Wednesday we're going to visit schools directly to ask if they have space. Apparently this is another way to find a school for them.

Our hope is to find openings at a school that teaches at least one subject in Castillian Spanish. Most schools here are solely in Catalan, the language of Catalonia, an area in Spain of which Barcelona is the capitol. While this is what we're hoping for, it is unlikely given the late date. We tried contacting schools months ago from the US, but had no luck getting responses. We hope showing up in person will get better results.

Either way, once school starts, so will a routine.

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