Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's been an exciting couple of days! Sunday we met the family who will rent our house in the US. What wonderful people! We feel great leaving our house in their hands. We are amazed the situation turned out so well. Alessandro and Duane will even get to see each other in San Diego in November at a conference they will both be attending.

The trip to Barcelona went perfectly. We were exhausted last night but are now unpacked and feeling better. Today is getting off to a slow start, though, as jet lag kept us asleep until noon!

Daniel is enjoying his birthday. He awoke to streamers, balloons and presents.

We're off to explore and discover....


  1. Haha. What is the time difference? I am sure i would be sleeping a lot for the first week! How did the cake looking go?

  2. Chase, the time difference is 7 hours. It's now 2am here and the kids are still wide awake. This is going to take a few days to get used to.

    A wonderful, rich chocolate cake was found. You would have loved it!

  3. Congratulations on your successful flight. Glad you arrived safe and that you're enjoying the area already. I admire how adventurous you are with two kids in tow. What a great experience it will be for them. Looking forward to hearing more. How long will you be there? Hugs!

  4. It sounds good! Was it easy to find or did you have to ask arround? I can't wait to see you all again! We will have to look at pictures :D so when the kids go off to school what do you do all day?

  5. Chase, todavia no se. Espero que pueda assistir clases de espanol. Y tu? Tus clases empiezan pronto, no?

  6. ¡Si! Este verano pasó rapidísimo. :( Este lunes voy a agarrar mi horario a la escuela. No sé cuando los clases empiezan pero no tengo much tiempo. Hoy fui q la playa con mi abuela y mi sobrino. ¿Van a viajar a la playa ayí? Yo sé que Barselona es cerca de la. ¿Y cómo diferente es la idioma que hablan?

  7. Tengo otra pregunta. ¿Vivan con una familia hispanohablante como Guatemala o no?
