Thursday, September 2, 2010

A lot got accomplished today! Charles and Daniel are now registered to attend Escola Augusta. It's a small, partly private school very near our apartment. Their website (in Catalan) is

The choice of schools came down to two. We finally decided on Augusta because of it's size and proximity. There is one class per grade, with a total of 300 students, preschool through high school.

We also purchased the necessary textbooks and uniforms. We were glad to see that the math and music textbooks are quite basic. We are hoping this will aid language learning as the material is already well understood.

The kids felt super about getting uniforms, even dancing in the dressing rooms! In addition to the typical gray pants, white polos, and gray sweaters, "robes" are required. These are similar to art smocks in the US and are worn during lunch and other messy activities.

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