Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Today the family, along with my nephew Chase, and all our teachers spent part of our class time taking a field trip. We went to a Menonite bakery. On our walk we saw a funeral procession. The family was all walking along the street as the casket was being carried. First came the men and behind them all the women. Then came the cars with friends.

The walk gave us a chance to speak more with Charles and Daniel´s teacher. She mentioned that she is an evangelical Christian. Apparently yesterday she was humming a song that we learned at Puente de Vida, our spanish church in Minnesota. She said when she was singing it Daniel corrected her. She was quite surprised when he continued the song! Today the kids made a memory game of fruits. Charles wants to learn grammar. We had to actually ask his teacher to include some grammar in his lesson so he could feel like an adult. He is enjoying writing spanish words in his notebook. Currently Chase and I are at the school waiting for a cooking lesson to begin. Charles and Daniel stayed home to play with Andres, the grandson of our host mother.

All is well and we are loving Xela. Now if we can just let those irregular verbs sink into our minds...

1 comment:

  1. Queridos Nykamps! Dios les bendiga en su viaje! Que bueno que todo esta pasando bien y que habian llegado seguramente! Ahora, porque no estan poniendo sus mensajes en espanol?
    Con mucho carino,
