Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Another group field trip during class today. We do enjoy these field trips because it gives us an experience in language learning beyond the classroom. There are lots of explanations to hear (i.e. listening comprehension) and many questions to ask. (i.e. practice speaking).

Today we went to the cemetery. Many caskets here are put in tombs rather than in the ground. There is not enough space in the ground for everyone. In fact, even the tombs are full. The tombs are arranged three high and appear as a wall around the cemetery. For families that do not have enough money to buy a mausoleum or plot, there is an option for renting a tomb. When the family decides not to pay rent anymore, or if they don't have enough money to pay rent, the bodies are exhumed and buried in a common grave. Then the tombs are available for another family to rent. What a strange idea this is to us, and yet it makes sense in a city where there is not much space. Enough writing about funerals and cemeteries...

One big difference for children here is that there is not much space to run around and play. The streets are much too narrow for kids to play in. It wouldn't be safe the way the cars zip down the roads! The ONLY place kids can do this is in the small courtyards which are enclosed by a a families' group of houses.

Our siesta is over and it's time to head back to our school, Casa Xelaju. We're going to dance class. Salsa!

Next time I will write about a funny miscommunication I had with my teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, DQ, Charles and Daniel, We do appreciate your blog - keeps us informed. Thank you.
