Monday, August 31, 2009

Early tomorrow morning we will leave Xela for an overnight trip. The plan is to visit four villages to view the work of Moises Colop, a Guatemalan CRWRC missionary. The villages are named Monte Margarita, La Palmera, El Tineco, and Esperanza Miralta. We do not know what to expect other than the following: 1)It will be hot. 2)There will be mosquitoes. 3)Moises' colleague will accompany us. 4)We will stay in one of the villages overnight. Initially, Moises had mentioned staying in a "rural hotel," but I believe instead we will be hosted by a family. 5)We have been told not to go out after dark without local companions.

We are grateful for this unique opportunity and are eager to see how this adventure unfolds.

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