Saturday, January 9, 2010

We have arrived safely. Tuesday night we stayed in San Antonio at the house of Egla´s sister. We got a late start Wednesday morning, but made it across the border. We spent two hours waiting while paper work was being done at the immigration and customs office. During the wait Jorge arrived to accompany us the rest of the trip. We had planned to stop at a hotel along the way but, for various reasons, none of them worked out, so Jorge ended up driving 12 hours straight to our town. It worked out perfectly for Charles and Daniel as they were able to sleep the final leg of the trip.

We will go to Casa Hogar to deliver presents, shoes, underwear, socks, etc. today. Yesterday we spent the day preparing the presents and visiting with Jorge´s family.

It is unusally chilly here. Also rainy. Friday it was so cold, school was cancelled. Last night it was in the low 40s.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you arrived safely--you're in our prayers for a blessed time and safe return.
    Much love!
