Friday, January 22, 2010

We are humbled by the generosity of people we have met. We have so much to learn from them! Some have so little, but give so much. One family we met didn't have glass in the windows of their house. They must have been very cold at night because while we were there it was unusaully cold, in the low 40s at night and in the low 50s during the day. A week of unescapeable cold. Their means of income is selling fried plantains. They were incredibly generous to give us all a bag of fried plantains and show us how they are made (i.e. give away their source of income and use gas to heat up the oil, just to show us the process). They wanted to give us more, but absolutely REFUSED TO SELL them to us. Finally we agreed to let them use the too-ripe plantains that they wouldn't be able to sell otherwise.

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